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Grace Lynn

Grace Lynn's Story


In 2016, I initially met Michelle Marie at a retreat in Taos and in 2017 during another retreat in Taos we co-created a one-day workshop called “Discovering New Ways to Walk in the World”. From there we co-created a six-week teleseminar called “A New Way of Loving in the World” in 2018. We received positive feedback from both seminars and decided to co-author a book together called Personal Heart Power. This book is the accumulation of our professional education and intuitive wisdom living in our Love-focused lives. 


The desire to love and help people started at thirteen when I volunteered at a local hospital and I saw how physical therapists improved people’s physical capabilities. I began the educational path of getting my physical therapy BHS degree and master’s degree in Education which allowed me to start helping people as a physical therapist. As I continued to help people physically get better, I realized that people needed something more, so I developed a more holistic view of healing. This realization guided me to learn and obtain eight additional energetic and personal growth certifications including Enneagram, Dream Work, Intuitive Energy, Masters Degree Reiki, Psychosynthesis, Emotional Brain Training, Breath Work, and Add Heart Facilitator.


While pursuing these certifications, I started the Facilitative Healing Center in 2005 and offered physical therapy as well as these other energetic practices and personal growth modalities to love and serve people with a more holistic approach. The success of this holistic approach and accumulation of healing knowledge led to the creation of the Loving Journey program which helps people create a Love-focused life which I started in 2015. In that same year, I was divinely inspired to create the Global Heart Team. This team is a group of big-hearted people who collectively gather to share Unconditional Love with the world to help support the shift into a Love-focused humanity.


To learn more about Grace Lynn, please visit:


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Personal Heart Power, LLC

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